Nikolai Foster’s production, originally from Leicester’s Curve Theatre is studded with stage troupers and TV talent show graduates who do their high-kicking, wide-smiling jobs well enough. It’s exuberant, dumb fun.
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breezy but bland...Seasonal entertainment is cheerful if essentially dull
Read more’s all as shiny as a newly unwrapped Christmas tree bauble. But the memory of it will swiftly be boxed away and left alone, too. A treat with a lower-case t.
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But somehow, it feels underpowered here: the 22-strong cast isn’t numerous enough to make the dance routines feel lavish...What this plucky production does deliver is charm.
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...the stage musical is a pale imitation of the movie and about as alluring as a Christmas tree that has lost half of its needles — no matter how much tinsel you hang around it, the bare patches are hard to ignore.
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Whatever you’ve been dreaming of, this isn’t quite it...But David Ives and Paul Blake’s adaptation, which premiered in the US in 2000, thins out the plot, weakens the characters, and removes most of the drama.
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White Christmas is a sturdily old-fashioned version of a jukebox musical of genuine classics...As an opportunity to bask in a festive soundtrack, there's hardly a more lovely show in town.
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With firecracker performances and singalong sounds, this version of the Bing Crosby classic glistens with sexy razzmatazz, but tenderness lies beneath the shiny surface.
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