“ ‘Elephant’ is further proof of Anoushka Lucas’ talents as a performer but adds to that just how exceptional she is as a writer. In this show, she has created a powerful and thought-provoking piece that takes crucial topics and brings something new and refreshing in how we should all perceive it. A completely captivating watch throughout, ‘Elephant’ is a show I will never forget.”
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"We learn that one set of elephant tusks can make up to 25 sets of piano keys, meaning that one piano can have 24 ‘siblings’, but no one ever thought to keep a record of which pianos come from which tusks. A piano keeps its history to itself, but Lucas is doing a stirring job in interrogating hers."
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"Lucas is a performer of rare charisma and her first full play is a teasing, provoking pleasure. I’ve seen three shows each lasting an hour this week: this is the only one I wanted to be longer."
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"The show feels freer and weirder than if she’d gone off on one about record companies. As stage stardom beckons for Lucas, ‘Elephant’ is a winning, bittersweet elegy for another life that didn’t quite happen."
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"It is angry, but also funny, warm, and insightful, written and performed with feeling and piercing thought."
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"Rest assured, there’s really nothing outlandish or alarming in Anoushka Lucas’s brief, but thought-provoking, one-person play, laced with fragments of her own songs."
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"Handling weighty themes with the lightest of touches, 'Elephant' is a delicate, heartfelt monologue interspersed with songs, which thoughtfully addresses the complex legacies of colonialism."
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"This is a fully loaded hour that still manages to remain subtle...Lucas is a writer and actor of rare magnetism – we should be waiting eagerly for what she says next."
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