Closed 1h 10m NYC: West Village
81% 64 reviews
(64 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Absorbing, Great writing, Relevant, Intelligent

Jade Anouka's poetic new play about a woman finding herself when her life is turned upside down.

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Critic Reviews (6)

The New York Times
July 18th, 2022

“ 'Heart' feels disconcertingly generic at times: Anouka, perhaps in an attempt to make the show feel more 'universal,' tends to prefer bromides like 'love is love' over the details that would have grounded the play."
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New York Theatre Guide
July 17th, 2022

"It's a tale as old as time: An LGBT+ person realizes they're queer for the first time, and all the happiness that they feel toward finally discovering their true self gets crushed beneath insecurity, shame, and fear that their families or society will never see them the same way again. ... But just because it's a time-worn tale doesn't mean it's any less affecting to see."
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July 18th, 2022

"A production with fewer bells and whistles might have allowed the audience and the misfits among us to contemplate them more thoughtfully. Anouka's play certainly does have heart, but it is better suited for the ear than the eye."
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Lighting & Sound America
July 22nd, 2022

That Anouka is sincere is beyond a doubt; one senses that, for an artist skilled at portraying other people and their conflicts, it costs her something to admit, in public, how nearly she came to destroying the love of her life. And yet, as rendered, her journey is so interior that no one else involved has any reality… the piece's overall impact is surprisingly anodyne; it's a show with a big heart, but an unrevealing soul.
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Talkin' Broadway
July 23rd, 2022

"Anouka's play and performance are at their most effective when the show slows down, takes a breath, and uses lyrical verse to tap into the gentle beating of the heart."
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Front Row Center
July 17th, 2022

"It’s hard for many theatergoers to comprehend how a solo performer can entertain an audience for over 70 minutes, sharing an intimate glimpse into their lives without skipping a beat. Yet, London-based actor, writer, and producer of 'Heart', Jade Anouka, does just that and more in her New York City theater debut in an interesting exposure of her life’s journey and struggle to find her true heart."
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