About Love
About Love
Closed 1h 30m NYC: East Village
78% 75 reviews
(75 Ratings)
Members say
Great acting, Entertaining, Romantic, Absorbing, Enchanting

Based on Ivan Turgenev's short story, this new play with music tells the story of a young man whose summer in the Russian countryside changes everything.

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Critic Reviews (6)

Talkin' Broadway
May 19th, 2022

"Directed by Pomerantz with original music and lyrics by Nancy Harrow, 'About Love' remains a lovely and engaging piece of story theatre. The play uses the first-person narrative of the 1860 novella, and the six-member company (most of them assuming several different characters) provide the exposition while dramatizing the events of the story."
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March 5th, 2020
For a previous production

"About Love Is Actually About Power and Blinkered Notions of Masculinity: Ivan Turgenev's First Love receives a new stage adaptation"
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Lighting & Sound America
March 5th, 2020
For a previous production

"I can't speak to the wisdom of musicalizing 'First Love' because the people behind 'About Love' haven't really done the job…you could remove them from the production with no material difference in the storytelling."
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Talkin' Broadway
March 4th, 2020
For a previous production

"'About Love' is a rewarding and melancholy theatrical experience as it taps into the folly and heartbreak associated with first love. Additionally, the play makes a compelling case for reevaluating Turgenev's contributions to world literature."
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March 12th, 2020
For a previous production

"The lovely show is best described as story theater in which all of the characters narrate at one time or another...and all but the hero and heroine play multiple roles. If one is looking for a musical, this is not it but it eventually is a captivating staging of the story, if a bit on the long side."
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Front Row Center
March 5th, 2020
For a previous production

Score: 92% "...an intriguing lovely evening about first love, and forbidden love, and confusing hard love, and the games that get played in-between. Everyone is picture-perfect."
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