Here Lies Love (Broadway)
Here Lies Love (Broadway)
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Midtown W
84% 1K+ reviews
(1415 Ratings)
Members say
Entertaining, Ambitious, Great staging, Clever, Absorbing

About the Show

An immersive disco pop musical about the rise and fall of Imelda Marcos.

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Critic Reviews (29)

The New York Times
July 20th, 2023

“ ‘Here Lies Love’ bets that glamour can make up for narrative — or, rather, that in a show about the dangers of political demagogy, glamour itself is the narrative. It’s a case of form follows function into the fire. We are drawn to cultural and political excitement in much the same, often dangerous way.”
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Time Out New York
July 20th, 2023

“Our complicity with such cycles of populist fervor—whether, depending on your ticket, as spectators from a safe distance or as extras in a mob scene—is the loudly beating heart of ‘Here Lies Love,’ a party that hides a mordant critique of civilization and its discotheques.”
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New York Theatre Guide
July 21st, 2023

“Audience members whose knowledge of Imelda Marcos is limited to the fact that she owned 3,000 pairs of shoes will only leave with a partial understanding of this violent period. The musical has no book, and the punchy songs paint broad strokes of the 60-year history... Still, this rollicking, form-breaking musical party is well worth an RSVP.”
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New York Magazine / Vulture
July 20th, 2023

“...the crowd itself is ‘Here Lies Love’s’ main character, this mass of people looking to be appeased by a good performance, no matter who’s singing the political karaoke. The show ends with democracy, but it has a wary relationship with the masses. The thought may be that, lured by a beat good enough, they’ll dance along to anything.”
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The Wall Street Journal
July 20th, 2023

“What may be most remarkable about ‘Here Lies Love’ is how deftly it pivots from the celebratory and even sentimental presentation of Imelda’s rise to the inevitably condemnatory”
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July 20th, 2023

“The real pull of ‘Here Lies Love’ is the staging, with a malleable performance space, an audience herded to and fro, and cast members finding perches throughout the venue.”
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New York Daily News
July 20th, 2023

“You can sit and observe the show all around you or you can pay to hit the orchestra floor and party with the Marcoses. Whee!...At no more than 100 minutes long, ‘Here Lies Love’ never over-indulges nor does it lose the audience’s attention for a moment. “
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July 20th, 2023

“Byrne and Fatboy Slim’s sung-through score is the star of the 90-minute production, a hypnotic churn of synth beats, funky rhythms and pop momentum that aims squarely for the pelvis.”
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