Grey House (Broadway)
Grey House (Broadway)
Closed 1h 30m NYC: Midtown W
75% 648 reviews
(648 Ratings)
Members say
Confusing, Absorbing, Great acting, Ambitious, Intense

About the Show

A new psychological thriller about a couple stranded at an eerie house during a raging blizzard.

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Critic Reviews (26)

The New York Times
June 1st, 2023

“That teasing quality, though sometimes charming — and often, if you are a scaredy-cat, a relief from the hard-core jolts — is the giveaway that ‘Grey House’ should not be taken too seriously, regardless of its allusions to real-world horror of the past and present.”
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Time Out New York
June 6th, 2023

" ''Grey Houe' is built around themes of guilt, expiation and retribution, but not very solidly—and as a spectator, you’re too busy puzzling out what is happening to think much about what it means...Amid such excellent atmospherics, you may not care when the play itself creaks."
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New York Theatre Guide
June 2nd, 2023

“One wishes the series of scenes built to a deeper, more full-scale sense of dread. In terms of fright nights, ’Grey House’ is entertaining, albeit middle of the road.”
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New York Magazine / Vulture
June 1st, 2023

“Once you get to huge Broadway houses, claustrophobia is harder to maintain... But it was also fun to see the production swing so hard at genre tropiness. If it doesn’t fully succeed on its own terms, it’s at least a solid reminder that terror is as worthy of drama as any other kind of spectacle.”
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New Yorker
June 30th, 2023

"They’re frighteningly convincing, as are most of the ghoulish effects and all the performers. Joe Mantello directs one hell of a show."
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June 1st, 2023

“...a savvy tale that might be likened to a dark, lonely lake on a moonless night – scary enough on the surface, scarier still when one ponders what’s below the surface. There are some stretches that start to feel dull or repetitive, possibly the result of confusion as to what, exactly, is going on, but such moments fade with the next scream.”
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New York Daily News
June 1st, 2023

“ ‘Grey House’ is trying to honor that unstinting parentage, despite the baked-in demands on a mostly young cast of kids, who give it all they’ve got. The show also has to whip up interest on a hot summer night. That’s not an easy combo, and you can see the strains it puts on the second half of the show, but much of worth gets unpacked here. Scarily so, to boot.”
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June 1st, 2023

“The most haunted, haunting performance comes from Sophia Anne Caruso as Marlow...Cracking wise with aching vulnerability, Caruso is the insistent, irresistible heart of ‘Grey House’ and its sonorous death knell.”
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